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  • Best Motion Sensor For Your Home

    Ever turned on your back patio lights or your front lights and then forgotten to turn them off? 

    Have you turned the lights on for your guests, so they can see when they arrive? 

    Do your kids walk around the house leaving the pantry, toilet or hallway lights on all the time?

    You are using unnecessary power by leaving these lights on for an extended period of time. 

    Security lighting and motion sensors take the thought process away from manually controlling the lights around your home. An added bonus is that you are saving money by not leaving these lights on.

    Once installed, the lights will automatically turn on and off at the set time that you prefer.

    As electricians we have exposure to hundreds of electrical products that we can find at our electrical wholesalers. How do you know what the best sensor light is for your home?

    We take the guesswork out of the equation for you!

    Electrician installing sensor light


    How do sensors work?

    Sensors have small electronic eyes that detect infrared waves.

    When an object moves within sight of a sensor light, it detects the heat waves from the moving object. 

    Although they detect infrared heat waves, they still will detect trees or any other moving object that is in sight. The best way to avoid this is to position the sensor in the appropriate location and to also narrow the field of view. 

    Not all sensors have the ability to narrow the field of view, you can use tape to then do this however it doesn’t look visually appealing. 

    Quality vs price

    When comparing what sensor light is best for your home you shouldn’t compromise quality for price. 

    If you have a strict budget, then yes purchasing a lower costing sensor would be a more suitable option for you. These sensors are not known to have a long lasting life time and are also known for turning on at random times. 

    They can be replaced easily by a qualified electrician however by investing in a quality sensor light initially, you will save multiple replacements and visits from a local electrician. 

    When supplying sensors for our customers, quality is never compromised. 

    Our main priority is to ensure we are supplying products that will last without going faulty or giving you false triggers. 

    These sensors also come with better features such as large timer settings, day/ night mode for testing and also field of view adjustment. 

    Convenience of sensor lights

    Motion sensors have many benefits to the home owner such as: 

    • having the front lights of your home turn on as you drive in late at night
    • a hallway sensor
    • automatic lights inside a walk in pantry
    • an automatic light in the toilet which can also be linked to a fan. 

    Your guests will be impressed that they never have to touch a light switch! 

    Adding protection to your home

    Sensor lights are not only installed for helping you see during the night, they are also a great deterrent to prevent crimes. 

    When sensor lights are triggered, individuals who are committing a crime can be deterred instantly. The reason for this is that the sensor light beam puts the individual into view. 

    Crimes mostly occur in the darkness, as they wish to stay out of sight. 

    If homeowners see the sensor light triggered, it prompts them to check out why it was triggered. 

    Sensor lights also can give you better footage through your security cameras during the night as the cameras will normally turn to colour instantly. 

    This helps to identify cars, individuals and also the issue that may have occurred. 

    Adding motion sensors to existing lights

    Sensors can be installed to control any light in a home. This is great for any individual to know, as replacing existing lights as well as installing new sensor lights is not required. 

    Whilst sensors can be added to existing lights, they can also control as many light fixtures that are required. There is no limit! 

    What sensor do we recommend?

    We supply and install clipsal infrascan sensors as we have found these are the best quality sensors for our customers homes. They have a 5 year warranty which is an amazing trust factor for a product! 

    See our YouTube video below with Ken, one of our electricians, showing you this exact sensor.


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